Write Write Write

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.
After that, things can only get better.”
Stephen King

Write Write Write

The best advise I’ve read from accomplished writers is when you’re writing a novel, to just sit down and start writing. Sounds easy, but unless you’ve tried writing when you’re not inspired, it’s a tough task to accomplish.

Here I am entering week two of 2016, and I’ve yet to sit down as I had planned to work on my novel which I started in mid 2015. Even though I have fifty pages finished, I just can’t seem to get going. I have cut back on my reading so I’d have more time for writing, but just can’t seem to get writing.

So, starting Monday I’ve decided to try a method I read about recently where you sit down, set a timer for 25 minutes and just force yourself to write. If I’m going to get anywhere with my writing, I need to hunker down and write – write – write.

Shine On

10 thoughts on “Write Write Write

  1. Pingback: because who doesn’t want to be versatile? | Riddle from the Middle

  2. I can completely confirm this. Sometimes so much races through my head or even nothing I can grasp. Then I simply start typing about me not knowing how to start…. and things are coming together. I wish you good progress, JR!

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