Rain Must Fall

“Thy fate is the common fate of all;
Into each life some rain must fall.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Rain Must Fall

People associate the rain with tears, depression, and sadness. But, I like to associate the rain with a more positive feeling. Sort of like a good cleansing. After the rain, I feel great with the sunshine and rainbows that follow.

All good things usually have to end as well as do the bad things. We can’t avoid a little rain in our life without experiencing the sunshine.

It really comes down to your attitude and that you should always look for the silver lining. Just as there are areas of land with excess rain and droughts, there are also people who experience more or less down times.

That’s why I like Longfellow’s line from his poem, The Rainy Day:

Thy fate is the common fate of all;
Into each life some rain must fall.

Shine On

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