Shut Up and Dance

“The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music,
and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable.
Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.”
Charles Baudelaire

I’m sure most of you have seen this on YouTube.
But, if you missed it, I thought I’d share this
well-edited dance video. It’s a compilation of
some great movie dance scenes to the ever
popular song, Shut Up and Dance.

Shine On

People Are Awesome

“Don’t be afraid to be awesome. Sometimes
being weird and different is good. When you
think you’re working hard, there is always
someone else working harder, so always
be yourself and know your stuff.”
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood

My husband watches YouTube all day long. He always finds the most awesome videos and this one I had to share with all my awesome fellow bloggers:

Shine On